Housing 2040 Master Plan: Community Comment Form

Please provide your comments regarding the Housing 2040 Master Plan using this form. Your input will inform our planning process, FAQs, and housing resources. Information about your residence will be used to evaluate how well we are reaching residents across Alexandria.

Do you live, work, or live and work in the City?
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Your Information (optional)

The information below is optional. By providing your contact information, you give the Office of Housing permission to contact you.

If you choose to include your personal information, we will not share your name or contact information in anything we publish publicly. However, any names provided in this form would be subject to disclosure in response to any Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Thank you for sharing your questions and concerns with us!

For further information, please contact Tamara Jovovic, Housing Program Manager,

tamara.jovovic@alexandriava.gov, 703.746.4990.