Laboratory Laser Survey

The Laser Safety Program Manual can be found at


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Labels and Signs

Is the correct warning label affixed to the laser?*
Are signs posted clearly near the laser?*
Are all accesses to the room properly posted?*
Is a label/sign/warning posted near the aperture?*
Is a label or warning posted near an interlock?*

Engineering Controls

Does each laser have a key switch or entry*


Is appropriate safety eyewear provided and*


Do safety covers have interlocks?*
Are latches or interlocks provided to restrict*

access to the controlled area?

Are all warning devices functioning within*

design specifications?

Are any items in or near beam paths which could*

cause specular reflections?

Is a physical barrier present at the controlled*

area entry?

Procedural Controls

Is each laser registered properly?*
Is access to the NHZ restricted?
Does each person have required training?
Is the SOP for the laser present at the control?*
Are curtains up and used (if required)?*
Is documentation available?*