VALID AI Interest Form

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the potential of generative AI to revolutionize care delivery and research for patients, providers and researchers is immense. Despite this tremendous promise, there is a lack of coordinated efforts to explore promising use cases, accelerate execution, and share the experiences of implementing and scaling transformational solutions in a collaborative way.

To bridge this gap, University of California along with NODE.Health and leading health systems nationally has launched VALID AI- a member led collective. VALID AI will facilitate collaboration across the public and private sectors and promote co-transformation at the US and global levels. Please visit for more details.

Please enter your first and last name.

Please list your work email address.

What is your job title?

What organization do you work for?

What type of healthcare organization do you work for? (Ex: healthcare technology, healthcare administrative, pharmaceuticals, etc.)

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Membership Preference (our team will contact you)*

What type of VALID AI membership are you interested in?

In three lines or less, please list any questions or concerns you may have.