ITS/ITS Media Project Request Form
The Subject Matter Expert will coordinate implementation at the departmental level and will be responsible to maintain operational expertise, documentation, and training for workflows associated with the project.
Briefly describe the benefits and business case for this request.
Please upload any project documentation - including proposal for business case, vendor quotes or estimates, vendor specifications or requirements.
Scoring asks you to consider how your project request aligns with the GC Strategic Plan initiatives and what kind of operational impact the project will have if implemented. If you choose not to score the project now, we will discuss this during the Discovery phase.
In order to assist with project prioritization, please score each of the following criteria 0-5, with 5 being high impact and 1 being low impact. If N/A, choose 0 value.
Note: Not all projects will have impact in all areas.
Integrated academic excellence through distinctive programs, local and global community partnerships, and student-centered practices.
5 High - Low 1 (N/A=0)
Student experiences that enhance involvement, inclusion and belonging for a lifetime.
Mission-driven, broadly diverse and exceptionally talented employees who contribute to a vibrant team-based educational environment.
A growing student body in our traditional undergraduate and adult/graduate programs that reflects and serves our primary communities, and strengthens the institution’s financial viability.
A hallmark learning environment that enhances and supports our vision and mission.