PRS FIT Scholarship Reimbursement Request

Please complete the fields below to submit your request for reimbursement as per the terms of the FIT Scholarship. Recipients may request one reimbursement for up to $1000 during the course of their fellowship. Requests must be submitted within one month of the event attended.

Street Address

City, State, Zip

ACR Event Attended*

PRS will reimburse up to $1000 for registration, travel, hotel and meals. You will be asked to upload receipts below.

Please list each expense with name on receipt, amount, and type

Example: Hyatt Regency Hotel:    "$425.66  - Hotel"       

If you drove to the event, your mileage may be submitted part of the reimbursement. Pease indicate your exact starting point destination, and total roundtrip miles. Mileage will be reimbursed at the current US government reimbursement rate.

Upload ALL receipts / documentation to support your reimbursement request.

Drag and drop files here or