Application for Sabbatical Leave

Please use your Mt.SAC Email address

Caret IconCaret symbol

If applicable

Any Previous Sabbatical Leave(s)?*

From and To

Previous Leave(s) of Absence or breaks in service in the past 10 Years?*
If yes, was it Paid?
Length of sabbatical leave requested*

Must select one of the following

Caret IconCaret symbol

If your sabbatical is approved, do you plan on supplementing it with banked leave as well? If yes, you must submit a separate "Use Banked Leave" form to your Division office, be approved by your Dean, and received by Human Resources by the third week of the semester preceding your leave.

Your Proposal Should Include the Following:

• A three to four sentence abstract of your plan for preparation of the Board of Trustees Agenda written in the third person. • A comprehensive, written statement of the proposed sabbatical activity(ies) including: * Description of the nature of the activity(ies) * Timeline of the activity(ies) * Proposed research design and method(s) of investigation, if applicable. • A statement of the anticipated value and benefit of the proposed sabbatical activity(ies) to the applicant, his/her department or service area, and the college. • Letters of recommendation (encouraged). • Academic reference list/works cited/selected bibliography.

Drag and drop files here or

Any change or modification of the proposed sabbatical activity(ies) as evaluated and approved by the Salary and Leaves Committee must be submitted (in writing) to the Committee for reconsideration.

Please review before certification.

This application must have certification by the Department Chair and the Division Dean. Their signatures certify that your leave will not be detrimental to the Department. This process is automated and will begin once you type your name into the applicant's signature and submit. Please ensure that you allow sufficient time for their certification to meet the submission deadline of November 1, 2024. It is recommended that you contact both before submitting your application to confirm that they agree to certify the application.

Faculty certification

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