Just Deeds Application

Through the Just Deeds Project, the City of Minneapolis is offering free services to owners of the more than 8,000 Minneapolis properties identified by Mapping Prejudice as having a racial covenant recorded on the property’s legal title. To be eligible for the Project, the property must be located within the geographical boundaries of the City of Minneapolis. All owners of the property including spouses of registered owners, must sign this application and participate in the Project. If the City determines that an applicant’s property matches the Mapping Prejudice data, the City will assist the applicant by retrieving a copy of the racial covenant, drafting the requisite discharge form, and filing the discharge form against the property’s legal title. The information in this application is being requested from you to determine if you are eligible for participation in City of Minneapolis’ Just Deeds Project. You are not required to provide the requested information, but failure to do so may result in the City’s inability to determine your eligibility for the Project and the denial of your application. This information will be shared with employees of the City and may be shared with Just Deeds Coalition members or other cooperating businesses in order to carry out the Project. We may also use this information to advise you of other City initiatives related to housing equity. Information provided in this application will be treated in accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13.