Grant Writing Immersive Experience Participant Application

The Grant Writing Immersive Experience program will build upon participants’ introductory experience with grant writing and clinical research to provide them with the foundational skills, knowledge, and awareness to be successful in submitting grants and advancing their research.

Ideal candidates include early-career faculty members and doctorally-prepared nurses in healthcare organizations that have some experience obtaining small grants or participating in larger grants but have not yet received an independent grant as a principal investigator. Program participants should have some experience with grant writing through successfully writing pre- or post-doctoral grants, serving as a co-investigator on a grant, and have limited proficiency with select grant writing competencies.

Throughout the month-long program, participants will:

  • develop an awareness of their individual strengths and opportunities for growth related to grant writing
  • acquire foundational knowledge about the components of a grant proposal
  • become familiar with data analysis plans and research rigor
  • learn about the review criteria of grant proposals
  • create a NIH Biosketch
  • acquire awareness around the common pitfalls in proposals and develop strategies to address them
  • develop the skills necessary for creating a budget

The grant writing immersive experience is a four-week program with the In-Person Immersive Experience held at 2001 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA:

  • Monday, October 28, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 29, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 30, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Following the immersive, three virtual workshops will be held:

  • Virtual Workshop I: November 7, 9 a.m. – noon, PT
  • Virtual Workshop II: November 14, 9 a.m. – noon, PT
  • Virtual Workshop III: November 21, 9 a.m. – noon, PT

For more information about this program, please contact the All components of this application are due by September 16, 2024.

Do we have permission to text you?*

Support and Sponsorship

In addition to this application, you will need to provide a letter of support and sponsorship from your department chair / dean or manager.

Tell us about your experiences and goals

3 - 5 sentences only.

Years in current role / field?*
Have you ever written a grant proposal?*

(e.g. federal, private foundation, institutional) and your role in the process.

Have any of your proposals been funded?*

(select all that apply)

(please specify)

(e.g., NIH, NSF, private foundations, institutional grants, intramural grants, RAP grants)

If YES, what stage is it at currently (concept, specific aims only, mail sections drafted). Please also provide a brief description of your research project or idea. What specialized methods would you like to include or develop?

Tell us about your level of knowledge and skills

How would you rate your current level of knowledge and skill in identifying appropriate funding opportunities?*
How would you rate your current level of knowledge and skill in developing a project budget?*
How would you rate your current level of knowledge and skill in understanding and following grant application guidelines?*
How would you rate your current level of knowledge and skill in reviewing and revising grant proposals?*

(including responding to reviewers)

How would you rate your current level of knowledge and skill in submitting grant proposals through online systems?*

(Select all that apply)

(please specify)

Do you have any time constraints or scheduling conflicts that may affect your ability to participate fully in the program?*
Learning Agreement & Program Commitment Statement*

By submitting this application for the Grant Writing Immersive Experience, I agree, if accepted, to participate in the entirety of the four-week program inclusive of the three-day in-person immersion in San Francisco and the three weekly online learning sessions in a location with no distractions, computer access with your camera on.

By typing your name, you are submitting this application electronically.