International Eligibility Review Application

The International Eligibility Review Application (IERA) is a non-evaluative screening process to determine the program sponsor's understanding of the accreditation process and its eligibility to participate in CAAHEP accreditation. An IERA is neither a comprehensive review nor a consultation; it is a cursory review solely based on information provided in a program's application. Therefore, feedback/recommendation from CAAHEP is provided "as is”; no further input or discussion is available.

CAAHEP provides oversight and collaborates with its Committees on Accreditation (CoAs), approved by the International Accreditation Review Committee (IARC), to recommend programs outside the United States for accreditation. Programs and sponsors located outside the United States seeking consideration for CAAHEP accreditation must have an approved IERA.


Steps in completing the IERA:

  1. Review the most recent profession-specific CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines so that program leaders and the CEO of the Sponsoring Institution are aware of the requirements to achieve CAAHEP Accreditation.
  2. Review CAAHEP Policies & Procedures and the profession-specific CoA Policies.
  3. Submit a completed IERA with all supporting documents and the required fee.

Supporting Documentation

The following required documents must be attached and submitted with the IERA:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Authorizing Organization Evidence
  3. Program Director Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)


Program Sponsors located outside the United States must be authorized by a recognized educational authority to provide the post-secondary program at the award level required by the profession-specific CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines. As part of the IERA, program sponsors outside the United States must submit evidence of compliance from all appropriate agencies.

CAAHEP and its CoAs will conduct an accreditation review outside the United States only in cases where there is no objection from all applicable educational authorities in that program's country or region.

Routing and Approval

CAAHEP will forward the IERA to the International Accreditation Review Committee (IARC), which reviews the submission and validates information compared to current policies and requirements. The IARC may request additional information or a revision of the submitted application and materials.

The program sponsor will be notified of the approval status of the IERA by the IARC. If the IERA is approved, the IARC will direct the program to enter the CoA accreditation process, including submission of the Request for Accreditation Services (RAS) form.

An IERA must be submitted and approved before undergoing an initial or continuing comprehensive review.

Approval of an IERA by the IARC is valid for twenty-four (24) months. If, for unexpected reasons, a program needs to postpone starting the CAAHEP accreditation cycle beyond twenty-four (24) months, another IERA and fee must be submitted for approval.