Transition to Inactive Program Status

This form must be completed and filed by the Program Director by August 18, 2025, the deadline for the program registration annual renewal application.

To be completed by the Program Director:

  • We have decided to inactivate our training program and will not renew program registration for the July 2026 – June 2027 residency year. We are hereby requesting our current program registration period be extended for one month, through July 31, 2026, to allow third-year (finishing) residents to complete their training as scheduled. The program has experienced no significant changes related to educational events, equipment, facilities, or services and remains compliant with all ACVS training requirements. We understand that any significant program changes that occur during this final year must still be reported to the Residency Program Compliance Committee (PCC), and the program may be subject to probation.
  • We understand that by not submitting a program registration renewal application in August 2025, the program will not be able to start new residents for the residency year beginning July 1, 2025, nor for the subsequent residency year beginning July 1, 2026.
  • We understand the program will need to submit a new Application for Residency Training Program Registration to reactivate the training program. The earliest opportunity to reapply for registration will be in August 2026 for consideration for the July 2027-June 2028 residency year

A confirmation email will be sent to the program director after the form submission.

For assistance, contact or (301) 916-0200 x120.

Program Director Information

Program Information

Please select from dropdown.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Program Resident and Diplomate Information

Provide the resident's first and last name and the date training is expected to end. Separate resident information with a comma or semi-colon.

Provide Diplomate first and last name. Separate core Diplomate names with a comma or semi-colon.

Allied Specialist Compliance Information

Use the radio buttons below to indicate continued program compliance with the following requirements:

The program continues to have ACVIM (Internal Medicine) Diplomate coverage of at least*
The program continues to have Other Allied Specialty Diplomate coverage of at least:*

Program Director Signature Endorsement

By marking the box below, I confirm and acknowledge the following:

  1. I have read and agree to honor the Residency Training Standards and Requirements as defined by the ACVS
  2. I confirm that the information provided in this application is correct and that the ACVS will be notified immediately should any substantive changes in the training program occur.
  3. If during this program, the number of core ACVS Diplomates falls below the required level or the program fails to meet any required standards, the program is subject to review by the ACVS and may be placed on probation or suspended.