Training Without Walls Application

Training Without Walls (TWOW) is BBNC’s management and leadership development program created to help develop and retain leaders with a commitment to the advancement of the Native community. TWOW is a two-year program consisting of two-day sessions held three times per year with monthly coaching meetings.

Note: This application period is for fall 2025 enrollment.

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

1.    BBNC shareholders, shareholder spouses, or descendants of BBNC shareholders

2.    Bachelor’s degree and five years’ work experience OR ten years work experience with upward progression

3.    Currently employed and working in management or are on a management track

4.    25+ years of age

5.    Show an interest and commitment to the program

Deadline: A complete application must be received by Friday, April 11th by 5 p.m. Alaska time to be considered and include the following information/documents:

1.   Complete TWOW Application that includes the following:

a.    Essay responses to application essay questions - Please attach additional pages as necessary to respond to all the essay questions on the application.

b.    Include the names and contact information for three professional references on the application.

2.    Complete Talent Profile and upload current resume on (do not put www)– Sections of the profile include objective, employment survey, work experience/skills and education/certifications. All sections of the profile and resume attachment must be submitted for the TWOW application to be considered complete.

If you have questions, please contact Casey Sifsof at or call 907-265-7873.

Section 1: Personal Data

Section 2: Shareholder Information

Select One

Caret IconCaret symbol

If you are not enrolled with a village corporation or tribe, write N/A.

Section 3: Educational Background/Experience

Select one. Highest level you have completed.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

List field of study for all degrees if there are multiple. List N/A if this question does not apply to you.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please list company name and your job title

If so, please share the organizations that you serve and your role. If not, put N/A.

Have you completed a Talent Bank Profile at*

This is a requirement for the TWOW application. If you have not completed a talent profile through the myBBNC shareholder portal, please do so after submitting this application. Spouses and descendants applicants will need to be verified before access to the mybbnc shareholder portal will be approved. Reach out to Casey Sifsof at for assistance.

A complete talent profile will include the following: Profile Summary Employment Survey Work Experience/Skills Education/Certifications Resume upload Talent profile can be accessed at (do not put www).

Section 4: Application Essay Questions

Please attach additional pages as necessary to respond to all the questions. Note: The essay responses are reviewed and scored by a panel that is factored into selection for the program. Documents can be uploaded to the application or emailed to

If submitting responses through a document attachment write, Essay Response Attached in this field.

If submitting responses through a document attachment write, Essay Response Attached in this field.

If submitting responses through a document attachment write, Essay Response Attached in this field.

If submitting responses through a document attachment write, Essay Response Attached in this field.

If submitting responses through a document attachment write, Essay Response Attached in this field.

If submitting responses through a document attachment write, Essay Response Attached in this field.

If submitting responses through a document attachment write, Essay Response Attached in this field.

If you would prefer to submit your responses via a word or pdf document you can upload the file here.

Drag and drop files here or

Section 5: Professional References

Reference 1

Reference 2

Reference 3