Provider Self-Audit Reporting Form

Please complete all sections of this form to report self initiated payback to Trillium Health Resources based on out of compliance issues found during a Voluntary Self Audit conducted at your provider agency.

Instructions on how to complete an adjustment/void can be found on Trillium’s website in the Provider Documents and Forms as the Trillium Replacement and Voided Claims Process.

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What were the issue(s) found during the Self-Audit?

What was the date of service reviewed or date range of services reviewed during your Self-Audit?

Description of what information was reviewed during the Self-Audit.

What was the outcome of the Self-Audit?

Based on the outcome of the Self-Audit, what actions were taken to remedy the problems found including change in policies, procedures and/or process.

How will your agency be replacing/voiding the claims paid in error?

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The following items may be attached if applicable:

  • Completed Self- Audit Replacement/Void Claims Chart, if provider submits replacement/voided claims.
  • Any other document supporting the Self-Audit.
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