2024 MFTE Reporting Sheet

Every jurisdiction should complete this form whether or not the jurisdiction currently has an MFTE Program.

Those jurisdictions who issued final certificates of tax exemption will also complete a detail sheet.

ALL jurisdictions without an independent audit or review program must submit all MFTE contracts including affordable units for final certifications issued in 2020 to comply with the auditing program. The reporting deadline is April 1, 2025.

Please provide the link to the appropriate assessor page to double check the provided information

Do you have an MFTE Program?
Who will audit your MFTE affordable projects?*

If the jurisdiction will hire a third party auditor please write in the name of that organization or firm.

You may select more than one option.

Example: 70% AMI for studio and 1-bedroom units, 80% AMI for larger units (20% of each type required per project)

Drag and drop ALL MFTE contracts and certificates issued in 2020. These files will be used to send notification of auditing for 2025.

If you have already submitted these documents to Commerce after a recent request, you do not need to upload them again.

If you have a large number of contracts from 2020, please coordinate with katherine.mitchell@commerce.wa.gov. An alternative file upload mechanism will be provided.

Drag and drop files here or
Did you issue any final certificates in 2024?
Did you issue any extensions on certificates that were ready to expire in 2024?

If you issued a final certificate or extension during 2024:

Please complete the linked spreadsheet to provide details.

What resources would help you decide whether or not to implement an MFTE program?

If you have any additional insights, thoughts, comments or ideas to share regarding MFTE please add them here.