OSU NOI to apply to Limited Submissions with Short Deadlines
Internal Competition Timeline: Internal competition deadlines are planned based on sponsor deadlines and managed by the Office for Research Development (ORD) While we work to stay informed about LSO opportunities, it is not possible to be aware of all limited submissions.
Should you identify a limited opportunity of interest that ORD has not yet announced, please contact our office with the competition's name and a link to or PDF of the funding announcement as soon as possible and it will get added to the website list.
If ORD is notified of a limited submission opportunity with insufficient time to conduct an internal competition, an internal competition may not be announced. Available submission slots may be awarded on a "first to notify" basis. This may vary based on the details of a given opportunity; however, the general guideline is six weeks or less to justify the "first to notify" basis.
Website Page with Internal Competition Guidelines. https://research.oregonstate.edu/research-development-internal-competition-guidelines