Down Payment Assistance

Please read the the Down Payment Policies PRIOR to applying.

Read the policies and eligibility criteria online at:

Eligibility Screening

Are you a first-time home buyer, or had no ownership in a home during the past three years?*
Will the home you are purchasing be your primary residence?*
Is the home you are purchasing located within Pierce, King or Thurston County? Or within a 50 mile radius of the Reservation?*
Are you willing to pay for homeowner's insurance*
Are you willing to sign a contingency agreement?*

This must be your primary residency for 5 years or else you will be required to pay back the award assistance.

Are you an enrolled Puyallup Tribal Member*

If you answered no to any of the question above, you are NOT eligible.

If you answered YES to all the questions above, please proceed with filling out your application.

Please upload your: --Tribal Enrollment Card (both sides) --Pre-qualification letter from lender --Buyer-Seller Agreement --Wiring instructions

Drag and drop files here or

Failure to provide any of the information requested will result in an incomplete application. Comple

Completed applications will be accepted until all funds have been obligated.

I certify that all of the information proved herein is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the housing authority to verify all information disclosed on this form. I agree to keep housing informed of any changes in address, telephone number, or any other conditions which may effect this applications. I further understand and acknowledge that applicants for this program will be selected based on readiness to purchase a home as determined by the pre-qualification letter from the lender and a buyer-seller agreement.

Please type your legal name in the box below as your digital signature for this application.