Ability Counts League Entry Form 2025

Please complete this form to enter your team into the Ability Counts League for the new season.

If you have more than one team, you will need to complete the form for each team (the form will re-load automatically upon submission).

Please enter your team(s) by 5pm on Tuesday 4th February to allow us to formulate the structure of this years league.

We look forward to receiving your entries.

Please note - Personal data entered into this form will only be used for the purposes of delivering the Walking Football League and will not be shared with third parties outside of this structure. For further info around Data Protection, please email Info@CumberlandFA.com

Please enter your Team Name (If you have more than one team, you will need to complete the form for each team)

Please select your preferred age bracket, or for Adult teams, your preferred ability band. Please note that the league committee will ultimately decide which division we believe will most suit your team.

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Please tell us who the main contact for your team will be. Please note this person will be the individual who receives your league info and should be active with the team

Please tell us your postal address including Postcode

Please tell us your mobile number to allow us to set up the League SMS text messaging service through Full Time.


Please tell us if you are able to access What's App from your mobile device. What's App is used as one of the methods for the League Administrators to manage the league as well as providing a platform for Teams to give feedback quickly.

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Please enter your email address to allow us to send information relating to league operations and fixture dates etc

Please tell us where you train

Please provide details of a secondary contact for your team

Please provide their Mobile number


Please provide their email address

Please tell us your kit Colour's including Shirt/Shorts/Socks and GK Top. Please tell us if you do not currently have a kit.

Please use this space to tell us the colours of your change strip, including Shirt/Shorts/Socks & GK Top. Please state if you do not have a Kit change as bibs can be provided.

Please enter your name to confirm that the above information is accurate and correct and that you and your team agree to follow league rules.