Acting Rate

Acting Rates are considered when a staff member will temporarily assume major responsibility for the duties of a vacant position in a grade profile higher than that of his/her current position. Such assumed responsibility is usually in addition to his/her primary job responsibilities. The acting rate is determined by Human Resources in accordance with the extra duties performed; however, it may not exceed 10% of the staff member’s current annual salary/hourly rate. Exceptions require review and approval by the Executive Director of Human Resources. Acting Rates may last no longer than six months and may not extend beyond the end of the current fiscal year. They end when the vacant position is filled, or when the staff member is no longer performing the additional responsibilities, whichever is first.

Whenever possible, acting rate requests should be submitted in advance of the vacancy; additional work should not be performed until the acting rate is approved.

For consideration of an acting rate the following must be provided:

  • A current PIQ.
  • A document from the department head approving the request.