FALA 25 Application Questions

Welcome to the FA Leadership Academy 2025 Application Form. Please make sure you provide all the necessary information accurately. If some of the information is not provided or not accurate, we may not be able to consider your application. Applications close on Friday 9th May 2025 at 12:00 (midday). We are unable to process any late submissions.


The information you share to the next few questions will help us ensure we communicate with you/your parent/guardians clearly as well as with the planning for the residential in terms of group and room allocation.

Age at time of FALA25 residential (28/07/2025)*
Do you have a Disability?*

Disability: The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' adverse effect on his/her/their abilities to carry out normal daily tasks.

Do you have any additional learning requirements?*
Are you proficient in English?*

FALA25 will be delivered in English so you must be able to read, write and speak English to a proficient standard

Do you have any dietary requirements?*
Do you have any allergies?*
If yes, do you use an EpiPen?

Please note that you will be asked to bring at least 2 with you to the FALA25 residential, if selected.

Do you take any medication regularly?*
Would you like access to a prayer room?*

Please select all that apply

FA National Youth Council/FA Programmes
Association of Colleges Sport (AOC)
British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS)
County FA

Please select from the list below

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please enter your secondary address if you live away from your home address

e.g. University Accommodation

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Emergency Contacts

If you are under 18, at least one of these contacts must be a parent or legal guardian.

All communication will be sent to the primary contact you share so please let them know to expect this.

For all applicants 1 of these emergency contacts must be your legal next of kin.

This information is very important so please ensure it is accurate.

Max 250 words

Max 250 words

Max 250 words

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please visit our Youth Leadership & Volunteering Community to view current/previous FALA projects.

The FALA25 residential will help you develop your project plan and provide a mentor to help you access the support you need for your project to be successful.

Max 250 words

Please Note: This is not mandatory to be eligbile to apply for FALA25.

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Equality Monitoring Form

In addition to this form, please also complete the linked Equality Monitoring Form HERE

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Privacy Policy

Please find the FA Leadership Academy Privacy Policy HERE

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