PTA Request (Students)

I confirm that I have read the above information and that PTAs will not be sent out until after this date.

PTA Policy

Yellow Cluster Advising Center provides PTA numbers for specific reasons. Please fill this form out completely. A staff advisor will review your request to determine eligibility.

Full PTA policy can be found here.

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Course Subject*

The course MUST start with one of these department codes; we cannot provide PTAs for any course in another department.

(e.g. 130 section 002)

Found in Schedule Builder.

For a 192, 194, 198, or 199 course, enter 99999 here.

Found in Schedule Builder.

If instructor is listed as "TBA" or is missing, please select "".

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What is the reason for your PTA request?*

*Review the reasons carefully and select the most appropriate reason for your circumstances. If you choose the incorrect reason, you will be asked to resubmit.*

Reason 1: Graduating Senior

You are a graduating senior, meet all the prerequisites, and must take this specific PSC/CGS/PHI/STS course this quarter (and there are no alternative available options) otherwise your graduation will be delayed.

Reason 2: Dropped Due to Non-Payment

Reason 3: Dropped Due to University Error

Reason 4: Prereq Petition Incorrectly Denied

Your prerequisite petition was denied, but you have proof of meeting the prerequisites.

Reason 5: Time Conflict

You have a time conflict with another class and the instructor of the class you would be missing part of approves it (e.g. one of the courses is asynchronous), and there is room in the course.

Reason 6: After 12th Day and Seats Available

If all of the following are true:

  • It is after the 12th day of instruction
  • You meet all the prerequisites
  • There are seats in the course in Schedule Builder (or sufficient room on exam days based on how many students will be taking the exam in an alternative location)

The faculty/instructor teaching the course will need to approve your request after you submit it, and department staff will need to determine whether it is possible to issue a PTA. You MUST have a backup class so that you are registered for at least 12 units in case a PTA cannot be issued.

Reason 7: After 12th Day and Variable Unit or Thesis Course

e.g. 198, 199, 194HA/HB

Reason 8: Other

If you have an extenuating circumstance that does not fall under any of the categories above, please select other and explain your situation in detail.


Please write all relevant information about your request here; this will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by a staff member.

Department staff and faculty will verify the information provided.

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Instructor Will Need to Confirm

This request will be sent to faculty to confirm whether they are waiving the prerequisites for you.

For Reason 4: Prerequisite Petition Incorrectly Denied:

Please upload proof that you have completed the prerequisite:

1) Transcript showing completion of course

2) Screen shot of (for California Community Colleges*), Transfer Evaluation System/TES (for 4 year institutions and out-of-state community colleges), or Yellow Cluster Pre-Approved Substitutions online spreadsheets.

*If you took a Psychology class called "Research Methods" at a California Community College, it will count as equivalent to PSC 41 whether or not it appears in In this case, you only need to upload your transcript (and can skip step 2).

For Reason 7: After 12th day and Variable Unit/Thesis Course

Please upload the signed copy of your Variable Unit/Thesis form.

Drag and drop files here or

Please write all relevant information about your request here; this information will be sent to faculty and staff to review.

Next Steps

After you submit your PTA request, it will be sent to department staff and the course instructor for review. Please do not email staff or instructor directly.

If both department staff and the instructor approve your PTA request, you will be sent a PTA number to the email you provided in the petition.

Emails regarding your PTA request will come from "Smartsheet Automation". Please check your Spam folder periodically if you do not see it in your inbox.