Bethesda Counseling Services
Client Intake form
Date of Submission
Client Last Name (include two if a couple)
Client First Name (include two if a couple)
Client Date of Birth (include two if a couple)
Age Range
Child under 5 years of age
Child 5-12 years of age
Teens 13-17 years of age
Young Adult 18-25 years of age
Middle Aged Adults 26-40 years of age
Senior Adults 40-60 years of age
More than 60 years of age
What languages do you speak?
What is your preferred spoken language?
Services Requested
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
I am not sure, let's chat
Do you prefer sessions to be virtual or in person?
Either- Whatever is available first
What brings you to coaching or counseling at this time? Is there something specific, such as a particular event? Be as detailed as you can
Are you Feeling...
None of the above
Are you...
Not meeting your full potential
Busy but not productive
Unbalanced with demands of work, family, & personal needs
Struggling to make sustainable, lasting change
Making an important life transition
Unsure how to implement tools you are learning
None of the above
Do you desire...
Your actions to line up with your values
Personal or professional growth
None of the above
Please check any of the following you have experienced in the last months
Depressed mood
Suicidal Thoughts/Behaviors
Self Harm
Eating Issues
Low Self Esteem
Chronic Illness
Postpartum Issues
Trouble Sleeping
None of the above
Do you live alone, with family, with others etc.
If you are in a relationship, please describe the nature of the relationship and months or years together
If you are the client's parent, are you divorced or in the process of separation?
Will you need an absent excuse letter for school/work?
What is your current occupation? What do you do? How long have you been doing it?
Name of Person Completing this Form
Relationship to Client
Phone Number
Address of client (must provide state)
Email Address (include two if a couple or family)
How did you hear from us (e.g., friend recommendation, doctor referral, Google search, provider directory search, etc.)?
Insurance Provider name or enter Self-Pay
Insurance Name and ID number
Subscriber Full Name
Subscriber Date of Birth
Calendar Icon
Upload insurance cards if you would like your benefits pulled
File Upload
Drag and drop files here or
browse files
Best way to contact you
Have you seen a mental health professional before? If so, please specify dates, the reason for counseling and your experience. What was your diagnosis, if any?
Have you ever been hospitalized for a psychiatric issue? If yes, when, why and for how long?
Specify all psychotropic medications you are currently taking, for how long, and for what reason. What is the dosage of each? What time of day do you take it (morning, evening, bedtime)? Does it help?
Do you have any issues with alcohol/drugs?
Do you have or have ever had suicidal thoughts? If yes, when
Have you ever attempted suicide? Please list all attempts and your age when each happened, starting from the most recent event to the oldest event.
Do you have thoughts or urges to harm others?
Are you involved in any legal action (civil or criminal) such as child custody? If yes, please explain
Please provide an emergency contact (name, relationship to you and phone number)
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1 pm
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8 pm
None of the above
Additional information or Provider Request
Stay on the waitlist no matter the time
One month
Three months
Six months
Stay on the waitlist no matter the time
Send me a copy of my responses
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