PNW FRC Registration 2024-2025

All teams are required to fill out the PNW FIRST team registration form in order to participate. This is to help us better track the demographic and other information about our teams. FIRST Washington needs this information to apply for grants that we can pass along to you as well as to report back to donors for funds allocated. If you are interested in applying for a FIRST Washington grant, make sure you check yes in the Grant section. The FIRST Washington Grant will close September 27th

Team Information

Provide us with some basic information about your team.


What is the team number assigned by FIRST for this team. If you are a new team, enter the temporary team number from FIRST or 0

If your team has a name, nickname, or other alias that it is known by, please enter it here. Otherwise, you can leave this blank.

First name of contact associated with this registration

Last name of contact associated with this registration

Enter an email address for this team. We communicate almost exclusively by email. Please use an email address that you will check regularly.

What is a phone number we can contact you if we have questions?

Enter the name of the person or institution that should receive your FIRST Washington invoice

Enter the email address of the person who should receive your FIRST Washington invoice

Phone number of the person who should receive your FIRST Washington invoice

What school, club, organization, or other entity is this team associated with. If it is a home or neighborhood team, please enter 'Home'

Classify your team affliation*

Please help us classify your team affiliation against these most common responses.

What is the primary street address for this team

What is the city for the primary address for this team?

What is the state for the primary address for this team?

Caret IconCaret symbol

What is the 5 digit zip code for the primary address for this team?

Which County in your state is this team located in? Acceptable counties in WA and OR only. Do not put in USA for country.

Registration Donation

There are many teams in the PNW that are struggling to find the financial resources to compete this year. If you are willing to make a donation to cover registration for another team, please check the box below and let us know what you are willing to donate.

Team Demographics

This section requests information about your team demographics. The information will be used to provide the supporters of FIRST Washington with specific details on their impact. FIRST Washington recognizes that many teams are still forming and recruiting members. If you are a veteran team, please use last year’s team demographic numbers. If you are a rookie (new) team, please use numbers that you anticipate. Please answer honestly.

What percentage of your school's students are on free and reduced lunch. If this doesn't apply to your team, please enter 0. Do not include the % symbol.

How many male students participate on your team? If none, put in a zero.

How many female students participate on your team? If none, put in a zero.

If you have students who do not identify with a specific gender, please indicate a count of those students here. If none, put in a zero.

If none, put in a zero.

If none, put in a zero.

If none, put in a zero.

If none, put in a zero.

If none, put in a zero.

If none, put in a zero.

Creating a Diverse Team

Do you have a student recruitment plan?*
Do you have a mentor recruitment plan?*

Team Mentor Demographics

Please help answer some questions about volunteer mentors and educators. We consider any adult volunteer or parent volunteer working with your team to be a mentor. There will be a distinction between educators / staff and mentors. Thank you for your efforts.

How many adults on your team are considered educators, school staff, or paid staff?

How many individual mentors (exclude those in the educator/staff number) work with your team in a significant capacity. Significant capacity means meeting regularly or perhaps doing an important function for the team. Interacting with the team, providing direct logistics support, or working with students to direct part of the project.

Does the Coach/Mentor for this team receive a stipend from the school or sponsoring organization?*

If yes, please provide the amount per year in the field below.

If you answered yes above please provide the annual stipend amount paid to the Coach/Mentor for this team. If no stipend is paid, put 0 in this field.

List of companies that your mentors are affiliated with

Please select all the names of the companies that your mentors are affiliated with.

Interested in New Mentors/Volunteers for your team?*

What additional volunteer skills would be helpful for your team? Examples: Web Design, Business Planning, Team Logistics, Fundraising, Graphic Design, etc.

Team Budget Summary

This section is going to ask you to summarize your team budget. Round numbers are appreciated, rounded to the nearest $100 is just fine. For example, if your team budget is $12,870 $12,900 would be an appropriate answer. Please be as considerate as possible with these answers, they are used for planning purposes by our investors. Your accuracy is appreciated. Please upload a copy of your current budget in addition to the summary below. Preferred file format is Excel. Google Sheets is acceptable.

How much does your team expect to raise for the upcoming season? Estimates using this past year's revenue are acceptable if your new budget is not yet complete.

How much does your team expect to spend on the upcoming season. Include registration fees, supplies, travel, and any stipends.

How much of your total team budget will be used for team travel this upcoming year?

Upload your current budget here. Preferred format is Excel but Google Sheets is acceptable. Budget should include revenue and expenditures.

Drag and drop files here or

Please list your team's primary source of fundraising

Contact Information for Team Business Leaders

Enter the name and email of the adult acting as the Lead Business mentor. Enter the name and email for the student acting as the Business Leader for the team.

Have Student Business Leader*

Team Information

We would like to know a little more about your team.

Rookie or Veteran Team?*

Please check if your team is a rookie or a veteran team. A rookie team is one that is newly formed and has not participated yet.

Please tell us how many students are new to your team. Put 0 if none

Please tell us the number of students returning to your team from the previous season. Put 0 if none

Please tell us the number of students that were eligible to return to your team but chose not to. Put 0 if none

Please tell us how many students graduated from your team last season. Put 0 if none

Please tell us the number of students that previously participated in FLL. Put 0 if none

Team Outreach

Please let us know any outreach your team hosts or participates in.

Does your team run annual robotics camp or outreach/programming workshops?*

What Outreach activities has your team participated in for this past year. Activities could be things like talking to their school about FIRST, presenting at a fair etc.

Does your team mentor FIRST LEGO League teams?*

Additional Questions

How likely are you to recommend FIRST Washington programs?

I understand the importance of this information and I have done my best to provide complete and accurate information.

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