Education and Training Vendor:

Renew Agreement/Program, Report a Change, or Add a Program

Use this form if you are an Existing Workforce Solutions Education and Training vendor and you need to submit documents to renew your agreement, report a change, or add programs. You may also use this form if Gulf Coast is your main Board, and you need to update information on the ETPL.

Select the type of programs your school offers

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

**Basic Skills Programs must renew annually

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Skip if this is not applicable

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Skip if this is not applicable


Please confirm the documentation you are submitting with your request. You may upload the documentation at the bottom of this form.

Check this box if you are submitting updated regulation/exemption documentation

Check this box if you are submitting an updated catalog and/or curricula

Check this box if you are submitting updated Letters of Support from employers (not applicable for Basic Skills) or Employer Based Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes with the Members List (for colleges and universities only)

Select this box if you are submitting an update or adding a program to the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)(not applicable for Basic Skills)

If you are adding a new program, check this box if the program has been in operation for at least one year. You must submit proof when adding a new program (this does not apply to colleges and universities)

If you are renewing your agreement or adding a program, you may enter the following performance outcomes (%) in the space below if applicable, or you may attach this information in PDF or Excel format

Attained Credential Rate

Entered Employment Rate (Placement)

Average Hourly Wage at Placement

Check this box if you are Unregulated (Exempt) and submitting instructor credentials

Exempt/unregulated vendors adding new programs, must include instructor's credentials for each program

Check this box if you are Unregulated (Exempt) vendor and you submitting a Lease Agreement or Certificate of Occupancy for a new location  

If you own the facility, please submit a Certificate of Occupancy. If you lease the facility, please submit your Lease Agreement

Check this box if you are submitting updated pricing information

Check this box if you are submitting an updated W-9

Select this box if you are submitting financial statements (please submit in pdf only)

Select this box if you are submitting documentation to support ADA Compliance, such as a a certificate issued from a regulatory agency who checks for physical accessibility compliance or a report provided by a Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS)

Please upload documentation here *Note: There is a 10 file maximum upload. Some forms may need to be combined so they may be uploaded.

Drag and drop files here or