CAPPS AC40 Breakout Proposals

Submission Form


  • The Breakout Session audience are school decision makers (owners, presidents, c-level executives, directors, managers).
  • Breakout Sessions are 60-minutes long.
  • Breakout Sessions must not promote a specific company, product, or service.
  • Breakout Session proposals from an Allied Company must include a co-presenter from a CAPPS Member School.
  • Breakout Session proposals from CAPPS Member Schools will be prioritized over proposals from non-members.

Submission Deadline is Friday, July 19, 2024

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Business Partners must have a Member School co-presenting the breakout session.

Please enter the CAPPS Member School information for the school that will be co-presenting your break-out session after selecting "Business".

Member Schools may present with or without a business/allied member.

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School Information

Please enter the name of the CAPPS Member School that will be presenting.

Please list the names of all presenters from the school that will be participating in this breakout.

Please list the email addresses of all presenters from the school that will be participating in this breakout.

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Business Information

Please list the names of all presenters from the business that will be participating in this breakout.

Please list the email address of all presenters from the business that will be participating in this breakout.

Session Information

Please provide the following information about your proposed session.

Choose which Session Track best matches the topic of your session.

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Please provide a short, concise title for your session.

Provide a brief, clear, and professional description of your proposed session. Descriptions should be written as though it is ready to be published in the conference program. Session descriptions may be edited.