CDE E-Train Part I Online Module Registration

On behalf of the CDE Educator Effectiveness Team, thank you for registering for Part I of the required evaluator training (E-Train).

This registration form serves as a request to access Moodle, the vendor hosting the online portion of E-Train Part I. Registrations will be processed in batches on a weekly basis. You will receive an email from Smartsheet Automation ( by close of business on the Monday after completing this form. Please check your spam or junk folder before reaching out.

E-Train Part I, completed through Moodle, consists of four (4) online modules:

  1. Educator Evaluations and the Colorado Context
  2. The Evaluation Cycle, Process, and Local Context
  3. Effective Observations, Evidence Collection, and Understanding Bias
  4. Preparing and Delivering Meaningful Feedback

It is anticipated that participants will need between 3 and 6 hours to complete all four modules in Moodle. Progress is saved throughout; all modules do not need to be completed at one time.

Please Note: Part I must be completed prior to registering for the in-person, one-day training (E-Train Part II). Registration information for E-Train Part II will be provided upon completion of Part I. Both Part I and Part II must be completed to receive documentation in support of license renewal.

For any questions related to E-Train, please contact the CDE Educator Effectiveness Team at

Thank you!

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If you are completing this course to apply for a new license, write "new" in the field below.