KCB Apprentice Program: Application

Hello and thanks for your interest in our apprentice program.

Please reply to the questions on the form as thoughtfully as you can, these responses are important to our review process.

There are some guidelines that need to be taken seriously: for example, please make sure any attachments are in .pdf form, and know that your form won't submit if required fields are left blank.

We need this information in order to get you listed as an applicant, so please fill it out as soon as you can. Once your responses are complete, click "Submit".

If the position is still open, and you are a good fit, I will be in touch right away about scheduling an interview. I look forward to hearing from you.

Nathan McBride, Operations Manager, Kevin Cradock Builders

First, last

Please provide your personal email address.

You may select more than one, but focusing on a particular area will help us process your application more efficiently.

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In order to be hired at KCB, you will need valid employment authorization documents.

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Our schedule is 7:30-4, Mon-Fri.

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Where do you live?

The KCB Apprentice Program is divided into 4 levels, with a fixed pay rate for each level. Each level increase raises your pay rate by $2 per hour.

Level 1: $24.25

Level 2: $26.25

Level 3: $28.25

Level 4: $30.25

Are you able to work for this rate of pay?

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All responses are valid here! Some possible topics:

  • What has been your exposure to this work so far? Friends, family members in the trades? YouTube videos?
  • Have you had other personal experience working in this field?
  • Where do you see yourself in the future, if this career move works for you?

Please attach a PDF of your resume or a description of your work history here. If you have written a cover letter, you may attach that here as well.

You work history is a major factor in our review process, so please take time to include it here, or in your written comments above.

Note: you may also include images of past projects here: this helps us gauge your level, interest and enthusiam for the work.

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