HIV Cluster Detection Stories from the Field

CSTE and the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) are collaborating to collect HIV cluster detection and response (CDR) success stories to highlight through the National HIV CDR Implementation Learning Collaborative (ILC). We are looking for success stories from state, tribal, local, or territorial (STLT) public health agencies that describe a successful initiative focused on:

  • Effective CDR planning, policies, procedures, and/or implementation strategies
  • Innovations in CDR implementation to strengthen CDR planning and activities
  • Effective approaches to meaningful engagement with local partners and community members involved in CDR activities

Any story of a success, no matter how big or small, is welcome! CSTE is only collecting stories for the topic area currently listed. If you have questions, please email Symone Richardson at

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Name of the agency, health department, or organization

List first and last names of the primary contact for this story

Email for primary contact

Secondary contact(s) if applicable

Secondary contacts' emails if applicable

Story Details

Please do your best to describe the work you've initiated or completed. We welcome examples of completed or in progress work. Try to be both concise and descriptive. Convey the energy that made your project a success, but avoid jargon that may be unfamiliar to readers outside your field.

Stories of any size are welcome!

Select one or more topic areas that best categorize your story

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Specify other topic area

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Describe your story in one sentence. Include the basic subject or title.

Tell us your story. What needs or problems were you addressing? What did you do and how? Why did you select this approach?

What was the impact? What public health action was taken as a result of what you did? How is public health improved? What are the practical implications of the improvements you made? Use data and numbers if possible. An impact on even one person or one outbreak is fine – again, does not have to be big!

How do you plan to build on your project? What are your ongoing needs? What implications has this had beyond the immediate project?

If you are willing to talk to other jurisdictions about your work, please check the box below.

CSTE may further share submitted content with public health partners with the intent to inspire other jurisdictions, demonstrate importance of the public health data infrastructure and workforce, provide examples of innovation, and document priorities and progress. Information may be shared publicly including the CSTE website or social media.

Audiences might include CSTE members, public health advocates, partner organizations including the CDC, and the general public. We do plan to notify submitters and invite edits prior to publishing materials.

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(date you submit this form)

If you have materials, graphics, reports, videos, or URLs to demonstrate the impact of your work, please share here.

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