SMI 2024-25 Volunteer Interest Form

SMI members are invited to express interesting in serving on one or more of our seven standing committees. These committees help advance SMI's mission and strategic plan, supporting research and education and fostering communication and collaboration in the field of mucosal immunology.

Many committee hold monthly calls, with a few conducting business as needed, or mostly by email unless a richer discussion is needed on a particular topic. Volunteers can anticipate an average commitment of 1-2 hours of time per month dedicated to committee business.

SMI committees available are:

  • Communications
  • Education & Career Development
  • Extramural
  • Fund Development
  • International Planning Committee (ICMI)
  • Membership
  • Webinar Series

More information on our committees, including the responsibilities of each, are available on the SMI website here:

Any additional questions about the committees or their responsibilities can be submitted to the SMI office at

Your Information:

Please indicate which Committee(s) you are interested in serving on.

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