New Client Set-Up Form

EMSL Family of Companies

Please complete the below form if you are seeking to become a new customer with EMSL, LA Testing, or EMSL Canada.

You must be an authorized representative to establish an account with EMSL.

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First and Last Name of Owner *OR* Full Name of Company if a Public Company

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Please include the name and email address of the other employee(s) who have authority to approve analytical and product pricing:

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Please share the name of the EMSL Account Representative you are working with.

EMSL requires that you disclose this information to us ahead of sample submission.

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Company Information

If you do not have a website for your business, please type 'No Website'

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(This could be a Corporate Address location)

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Please provide the Full Address, City, State, Zip of the Billing Address.

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Please provide us with the anticipated number of analytical projects you will be submitting to EMSL. (This will be reviewed at the end of each fiscal year).

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Billing Information

This is the person/group responsible for paying invoices. 'Accounts Payable' is acceptable if this is a 'Group' and not a person.

Phone Number of Person/group responsible for receiving and paying invoices.

Email of Person/group responsible for receiving and paying invoices.

As a standard, EMSL invoices for analytical services with each order. If Monthly or Portal is selected, an additional fee may apply.

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Note - this is separate from the Monthly Statement and Product Invoices.

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As a default, EMSL will send Monthly statements that include *unpaid* Analytical and Product Invoices, as well as individual Product Invoices, to the Accounts Payable Contact listed here. Should anyone else receive the Monthly Statements and Product Invoices?

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**There will be an increased fee for EMSL submitting invoices to a portal system.

Please include the following information about your portal or e-Invoice system:

1) Name and phone of person to discuss set-up.

2) Name of the portal or e-invoice system.

3) System registration link


*Payment is required for the first set of samples submitted while your account is being established.

**If your company requires a Purchase Order (PO) to process an invoice from EMSL, please contact your Account Manager or to notify us.

If you select Yes, EMSL requires a Tax-Exempt Certificate to remove all taxes.

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  • Please upload your W-9 here.
  • If your company is Tax-Exempt, please also attach the certificate.
Drag and drop files here or

Analytical Services / Products

Please let us know what specific analytical services you are interested in, or which products you are interested in purchasing.


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