TDAAC Histology Service
Submission Form
Service Fee link
Any questions please email
save the excel file using the following format: PI last name_order date, e.g., Koblinski_09082022
e.g., mouse with mouse tumor, mouse with human tumor xenograft, human lung, mouse liver, etc
Please select all that apply. e.g. if you are submitting for IHC and are submitting samples in fixative and they need grossing, please select grossing, processing/embedding, sectioning, and IHC
i.e. special instructions for grossing
see dropdown list
(specific orientation requests)
Please only indicate the number of unstained slides you would like. These are ones you would take back to your lab with no staining. If you are also doing H&E, IHC/IF, mIF, or mISH the slide count sectioned will be included in those sections below.
(additional charge for greater than 2 secitons/slide)
e.g. the 3rd slide cut out of 6 (1st slides is the first sections cut)
Please see the list of optimized antibodies here. If the antibody is not listed please select yes, optimization is necessary.
Please include which fluorophore you would like paired with each probe.
Note: Higher magnification creates larger files
please remember to sign up using the Force system