IINSPIRE LSAMP 2018-19 Annual Conference Session Proposal Submission

IINSPIRE seeks proposals for conference sessions that address a range of topics supporting the following conference theme: Navigation Pathways for STEM Student Success. Navigating Pathways for STEM Student Success requires students, institutions, and communities to utilize and organize pathway resources around STEM student success. The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, November 30, 2018.

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II. Session Information

Audience Type*

Please indicate the type of audience the presentation will be directed towards.

Please upload a PDF or Word file containing the following information about EACH presenter. 1) Name 2) Title/Position 3) Institution/Organization 4) 3-5 sentence bio (150-word limit)

Drag and drop files here or

Provide 200 words or less to be used in the conference program, including a description of how you plan to engage the audience.

Graduate and Undergraduate Students Only

If you are a graduate or undergraduate student, please provide your faculty sponsor or advisor's name and email address below.