JCPA Scholarship Application

The John Carroll Parent Association (JCPA) is proud to offer a $1,000 scholarship to two current Juniors (one male, one female), which will be applied to Senior year tuition.

The scholarship is awarded to the students whose applications show the most participation in extracurricular activities, willingness to participate in service, support of John Carroll and family involvement at the School.

Deadline to Apply: March 28, 2025

Eligibility: Current Juniors

Application Requirements & Process: Complete the application below. The winners will be chosen by the JCPA, together with the Advancement Office, based on the merits of the applications.

For questions, please contact the Advancement Office at

Including this school year

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please include activities you attended or participated, both within John Carroll as well as outside of the School, including jobs held.

Please distinguish between required, National Honor Society requirements and other.

List volunteer activities in which your parent(s)/guardian(s) were involved during your years at John Carroll.

In 300 words or less, please write a "letter" to an eighth grader considering attending John Carroll. Share your thoughts, based on your high school experience, on what being a Patriot has meant to you and why they should choose John Carroll.

Please note, quotations from this letter may be used in future school marketing materials.

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