See it, Hear it, Report it - Safeguarding

Details of the person you are reporting

This is the person you are referring to the West Riding FA. Please provide as much detail as you can.

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What is their role in the game?

If they occupy multiple roles, please check the relevant boxes.

Please provide the name of the organisation (club/league/competition) and the relevant age group

Your details

We will use this information to contact you to clarify the information you have provided. This information will not be disclosed at any time without your express permission.

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Poor Practice Concern

In this section we need you to provide as much detail as possible regarding the alleged poor practice behavior.

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Please provide as much detail as possible to describe the Poor Practice you are reporting.

FA Police Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Children's/ Social Services

Please use this section to upload any documents you wish to share (images, print screens, documents)

Drag and drop files here or