Employee Betterment Program Application
Request for Tuition Benefits
The Employee Betterment Program is intended to provide reimbursement of up to 18 hours per fiscal year toward tuition for budgeted, benefit eligible faculty and staff. Less than full-time employees will be treated proportionally.
Do not submit an application unless already enrolled in a class. A separate application must be submitted for each semester.
Employees taking doctoral classes should first review eligibility for enrollment in the TAMUS Doctoral Tuition Program.
Once an applicant submits the Employee Betterment Program Application, the routing to obtain approval from the applicants immediate supervisor and the Department Head or Dean will begin.
If number of hours requesting and the numbers of hours approved for the Academic Year exceed 18 or mores then the application will route to the Division Vice President for approval also.
If all approvals are received, appropriate details will be provided to the Bursar's Office for additional processing. The employee will be notified when a request for tuition benefits is approved or denied.
Priority Processing Dates: (10 Days Prior to Beginning of Semester)
- All employees using the Employee Betterment Program must submit their Employee Betterment Program Form 10 calendar days prior to the intended semester of enrollment to avoid late fees.
- Applications submitted after the associated Priority Processing Date may result in late fees.
- The Employee Betterment Program is not responsible for any late fees incurred.
- The employee will receive an email when a request for tuition benefits is approved or denied.
Final Date to Submit: (5 Days After the Beginning of Semester)
- All employees using the Employee Betterment Program must submit their Employee Betterment Program Form no later than 5 calendar days after the beginning of the intended semester of enrollment.
- Applications submitted after the Final Date to Submit will be automatically denied.
****Due date and priority processing dates are determined by the date the applicants submits a form.