Volunteer Event Intake Form

Have an idea or a need for volunteers?!

Complete this form to have your idea reviewed by the Intuitive Foundation Volunteering Committee.

The Volunteering Committee is an initiative aimed at promoting and supporting the mission of the Intuitive Foundation.

By providing community-based volunteering opportunities, we strive to strengthen the communities and charities where Intuitive Surgical employees live and work.

The Intuitive Foundation is an independent, 501(c)(3) charitable organization funded by Intuitive Surgical.

List the individual(s) who can provide further information about the volunteer event.

Consider including website links, links and information which helps us understand:

  • Goals/ objectives
  • Resources needed (technical / equipment)
  • What activities will volunteers be supporting
  • How does a volunteer register to the event

Will your event take place over multiple sessions (e.g. multiple days OR have multiple volunteer sessions on a single day)?

Select or enter value
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Please list the geographic location of the event.

Please upload any additional resources that will support the review of your volunteer event submission.

Drag and drop files here or

By submitting this form, I hereby authorize Intuitive Foundation ("Foundation") to use the personally identifiable information that I supply to Foundation (collectively, “PII”) in accordance with Foundation's privacy policy to:

(1) manage, modify, facilitate, analyze, evaluate, publicize directly or indirectly, and report on volunteering and Foundation projects and programs

(2) contact me and others in relation to volunteering and Foundation projects and programs.

Foundation's privacy policy is findable at https://www.intuitive-foundation.org/privacy-policy/, and may be updated from time to time.

I further agree that all information that I submit using or related to this form, other than PII, is non-personal, non-confidential, and non-proprietary, and I hereby authorize Foundation to reproduce, modify, distribute, disclose, and otherwise use such information in Foundation projects and programs, and other philanthropic endeavors.