Riparian Grant Program

Reporting Form

All projects completed by June 30, 2025 must be vouchered for in July 2025.

This reporting form represents current requirements for information reporting for work completed under these grant funds.

Please be aware that this reporting may have to be updated pertaining to but not limited to benefit(s) to vulnerable populations and/or overburdened communities as statewide reporting requirements for Climate Commitment Act funds are finalized.

This program has been funded wholly by Climate Commitment Act associated funding. The Climate Commitment Act (RCW 70A.65) created a market-based program to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the next few decades. A portion of the revenues are directed into the Natural Climate Solutions Account and were distributed into several standing grant programs, including this riparian specific program. Funding comes with additional reporting, assessment, and tribal consultation requirements. The Governor’s Office and state agencies plan to engage tribes on how best to meet these requirements. The State Conservation Commission (SCC) will provide any needed guidance to applicants as soon as possible.

Name of person submitting the report.

Contact information of person submitting report.

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Federal, state, other SCC funds, local, private, etc.

Reporting by Project Type

Select project types for reporting fields.

Riparian Restoration Program Outreach

State a specific HUC / watershed / sub-watershed name.

Were any other partners involved in conducting outreach?*

Technical Assistance / Planning / Design / Monitoring

This is the number of landowners who were possibly awaiting technical assistance already plus those who responded to outreach efforts.

Could be multiple contacts with an individual landowner to plan, design, and implement a project.

Landowner Implemented Cost Share

Including tiered incentives

All reporting for all cost-share projects will be completed in the SCC’s Conservation Practice Data System (CPDS) and pertinent information from CPDS will be extracted and uploaded to a central location for sharing by SCC staff.

District Implemented Projects (DIP)

Including tiered incentives

Number of parcels where riparian habitat restoration occurred:*

Include decimal Lat / Long coordinates for each parcel.

Example 47.751076, -120.740135

Include decimal Lat / Long coordinates for each parcel.

Report on individual BMPs completed in support of riparian habitat restoration:

Example 47.751076, -120.740135

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BMP Project 1: Participation in Tiered Incentive?*
Do you have an additional BMP to report?*
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BMP Project 2: Participation in Tiered Incentive*
Do you have an additional BMP to report?*
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BMP Project 3: Participation in Tiered Incentive?*
Do you have an additional BMP to report?*
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BMP Project 4: Participation in Tiered Incentive?*
Do you have an additional BMP to report?*
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BMP Project 5: Participation in Tiered Incentive?*


Count each acre only once even if maintenance occurred more than once during the grant period on the same acres.

Number of parcels where maintenance occurred.*

Report type of maintenance completed and decimal Lat / Long coordinates for each parcel.

Example 47.751076, -120.740135

Include decimal Lat / Long coordinates for each parcel.

Permanent Protection

Reporting for permanent protection projects will be focused upon actual work completed against the proposed scope of work and required information will include acres permanently protected.



This may include but is not limited to:

  1. Electronic copies of outreach materials used.
  2. Landowner or partner testimonials
  3. Photos or videos of your work.
Drag and drop files here or

Thank you for your reporting.

If you would like a copy of your responses, please check

"Send me a copy of my responses."