OOMPH Incomplete Grade Contract Form

For complete information regarding incomplete grades, visit the OOMPH Student Manual.

This form should be completed by the Instructor after a request for an incomplete grade has been made by the student and the Instructor has approved this request. Once this form has been completed by the Instructor, a Docusign form will be routed to both the Instructor and the Student for signature. The Program, Instructor, and Student shall all retain copies of this document.

Related Policies:

  • Instructors can give an Incomplete grade (“I”) when a student’s work is of passing quality but is incomplete because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as sudden illness.
  • Graduate students do not have a specified deadline for the replacement of an “I” grade. The deadline is agreed upon by the instructor and student.
  • Incomplete grades cannot be granted once the Final has been submitted, or after a grade has been posted.
  • IMPORTANT: Students should not formally re-enroll in the course in CalCentral to complete the remaining work.

Additional Considerations

While each scenario involving incomplete grades is unique, OOMPH has identified three of the most common types of incompletes within our program:

Unexpected event: student has finished most of the course when an unexpected event (often work related) necessitates a request for a little extra time – a week to a month – to finish the final course elements. Instructor and student agree on timeline/work to complete

Needs to repeat (all or some of) course next year: Instructor and student agree on percentage of course to be repeated the next time the course is offered.

Catastrophic event: Circumstances beyond the student’s control prevent an immediate discussion of how the incomplete will be handled. Instructor and student agree upon a future date (preferably no more than 3 months in the future) to consult on incomplete contract.