Local Media Research Request Form

Note: This request form is only for Local Media Research. If this is a request for multiple markets, please email Liz Johnson (ljohnson@univision.net) and Scott Osborne (sosborne@univision.net) for audience and market information or the S&I team (uci-strategyandinsights@univision.net) for category research. If this is a Digital Sales (only) request, please email Ben Claflin (bclaflin@univision.net).

Many Research materials can be found in your local Research Drives and Ask Ceril. Have you checked those locations?

Please include first/last names of all Univision employees who should receive the completed request

Please select your home market.

Caret IconCaret symbol
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please enter UNKNOWN if Advertiser is not needed/known or INTERNAL if request will not be shared with a client

Target Demo(s)* Please enter all Demos.(Ex: A18 - 49, HA 18-49) or N/A

Caret IconCaret symbol

Is this new business?

Caret IconCaret symbol

If "Other", please enter category name or list any additional categories

Supporting Information

Market Selections:

(Multi-market requests may be reassigned to S&I)

What would you like to accomplish with this research? (i.e. new business, new to Spanish language, client retention, materials needed and address for SINGLE ADDRESS location analyses only etc.) DO NOT ENTER MULTIPLE ADDRESSES INTO THIS BOX.

(Standard turnaround time is 5 business days; requests to be delivered by COB on due date)

Please attach any/all supporting docs like address lists, decks/sheeets to be updated. For addresses, please submit in an Excel form with all details in separate columns (address, city, state, zip code).

Drag and drop files here or