Pitchfest East of England- Application Form
Please complete this form to submit your application for Pitchfest East of England. Applications close on Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 5.00 pm. Please note: Due to the high volume of applications, we will not be sharing our panel's feedback on individual applications.
You will need to read the full eligibility criteria and ensure you are available to attend all key dates. Visit the Pitchfest page for full details: https://www.innovateukedge.ukri.org/Source-funding-finance-grow-and-scale/Pitchfest-investment-readiness-offering-UK-SMEs
Please see below the key Pitchfest dates: Phase 1 Applications Deadline: Tuesday, 14 September 2021 Applicants notification of outcome: Tuesday, 21 September 2021 Meet your innovation & growth specialist: Pre-agreed date Group 'Get to Know You' Meeting: Tuesday, 5 October 2021 Training Day 1: Tuesday, 19 October 2021 Training Day 2: Tuesday, 2 November 2021 Investor Session: Tuesday, 16 November 2021 Phase 2 (after 16 November 2021) Receive ongoing bespoke support from your innovation & growth specialist.
Please note: This is a competitive selection process. All applications will be reviewed and assessed by a panel of experts based on the information provided at the point of registration.
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Tuesday, 21 September 2021. All stages of Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest - Phase 1 are mandatory to attend. You must be available to attend all five dates listed in the 'Phase 1' section above to be accepted onto this offering. Only one representative per company can attend the training days. The company representative who will attend the mandatory training sessions and meetings with the allocated innovation and growth specialist will have the opportunity to participate in the Investor Session.
CONTACT US If you have any questions about completing the application form or are having difficulty submitting, we are happy to help. Email us at pitchfest@innovateukedge.ukri.org