Pitchfest East of England- Application Form

Please complete this form to submit your application for Pitchfest East of England. Applications close on Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 5.00 pm. Please note: Due to the high volume of applications, we will not be sharing our panel's feedback on individual applications.


You will need to read the full eligibility criteria and ensure you are available to attend all key dates. Visit the Pitchfest page for full details: https://www.innovateukedge.ukri.org/Source-funding-finance-grow-and-scale/Pitchfest-investment-readiness-offering-UK-SMEs


Please see below the key Pitchfest dates: Phase 1 Applications Deadline: Tuesday, 14 September 2021 Applicants notification of outcome: Tuesday, 21 September 2021 Meet your innovation & growth specialist: Pre-agreed date Group 'Get to Know You' Meeting: Tuesday, 5 October 2021 Training Day 1: Tuesday, 19 October 2021 Training Day 2: Tuesday, 2 November 2021 Investor Session: Tuesday, 16 November 2021 Phase 2 (after 16 November 2021) Receive ongoing bespoke support from your innovation & growth specialist.


Please note: This is a competitive selection process. All applications will be reviewed and assessed by a panel of experts based on the information provided at the point of registration.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Tuesday, 21 September 2021. All stages of Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest - Phase 1 are mandatory to attend. You must be available to attend all five dates listed in the 'Phase 1' section above to be accepted onto this offering. Only one representative per company can attend the training days. The company representative who will attend the mandatory training sessions and meetings with the allocated innovation and growth specialist will have the opportunity to participate in the Investor Session.

CONTACT US If you have any questions about completing the application form or are having difficulty submitting, we are happy to help. Email us at pitchfest@innovateukedge.ukri.org

Important Application Information

The online application must be completed and submitted in a single session - you can't save your answers and return later to finish your application. To facilitate the process, we have created a Word document including all the application questions, which you can download and pre-populate with your answers. You can then copy and paste these answers into the online form and submit your application. To download the Word application form, please click here: https://bit.ly/PitchfestEastofEngland-WordApplication Please note that, in order to help identify the most suitable candidates, we will use all the information provided in this form to assess each application on a range of domains. We encourage you to provide as much information as possible to illustrate your suitability.

Section 1: Applicant Information

This should be a senior person from the business who will be involved in all stages of Pitchfest. Please note only the company representative who will attend the mandatory training days and meetings with the allocated innovation and growth specialist will have the opportunity to participate in the Investor Session.

Please confirm that the details provided above are those of the company representative attending Pitchfest East of England. If not, please alter the information to the Pitchfest attendee and submit 'confirmed'.*

Section 2 - Company Information

Reminder: Please save a copy of your answers in a separate system (word or excel) as you go.

Are your registered company and correspondence addresses the same?*
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

If you are based in East of England, please put n/a.

Company Information - Financial

Reminder: Please save a copy of your answers in a separate system (word or excel) as you go.

Please state the number of months or n/a

Please state the number of months

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please state the full date.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Section 3: Application Questions

All questions are mandatory, if unanswered your application is incomplete and will not be considered. Reminder: Please save a copy of your answers in a separate system (word or excel) as you go.

(300 characters max)

(500 characters max)

(750 characters max)

(500 characters max)

(500 characters max)

(500 characters max)

(500 characters max)

(300 characters max)

(300 characters max)

Is your business EIS/SEIS eligible?*

Please do not include links to profiles. We require written content below. (750 characters max)

Have you attended Pitchfest or other investment readiness trainings before?*

(300 characters max)

Section 4: Subsidy Control

The growth and scaling advisory and support services delivered as part of Innovate UK EDGE, including the Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest offering, are deemed to be a subsidy. Businesses selected to participate in a Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest will be in receipt of subsidy (below £10,000) and details of this will be held centrally by Innovate UK EDGE. Further details on Innovate UK subsidy control can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/innovation-apply-for-a-funding-award#subsidy-control-and-state-aid-where-relevant

Has your business received any type of public funds in the last three fiscal years?*

Please use this format for your answer Year: Funding Body: Purpose: Amount: If not relevant, please add N/A in the box below.

Section 5: Declaration

I agree to attend all mandatory training sessions and innovation & growth specialist meetings that are part (and ongoing) of the Pitchfest East of England offering*

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

To deliver on Innovate UK’s commitment to address under-representation in business innovation and foster equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), we need to collect and report on EDI data. You will always have the option to ‘prefer not to say’ if you do not feel comfortable sharing this information. Reminder: Please save a copy of your answers in a separate system (word or excel) as you go.

A. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?*

Under the 2010 Equality Act, this could be a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out day to day activities (e.g. dyslexia, hearing / visual impairments, mental health issues, epilepsy, and cancer).

B. The majority of your business is owned by (gender):*
C. Are you happy to provide information about the gender composition of your management team?*
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
F. The majority of your business is owned by (age group):*

Stay Updated

Would you like to receive marketing communications about new funding and business support opportunities from Innovate UK EDGE?*

How did you hear about Pitchfest?

GDPR Statement

Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest East of England is planned and delivered by St John's Innovation Centre (www.stjohns.co.uk), on behalf of Innovate UK EDGE (www.innovateukedge.ukri.org/), and in collaboration with Newable (https://newable.co.uk/). This offering is funded by Innovate UK EDGE. As a result, a range of data points must be collected to assess your eligibility to attend Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest. To comply with Innovate UK EDGE's funding requirements, St John's Innovation Centre, Newable and Innovate UK EDGE will collect and store your registration data and information/communications recorded during Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest for auditing and project evaluation purposes. Innovate UK EDGE, St John's Innovation and Newable and will retain your records for no longer than is necessary, and in accordance with their Privacy Notice (see below). Newable will not share your data with any other third parties that are not involved with the delivery of the event or funding of the offering as listed above, namely St John's Innovation Centre and Innovate UK EDGE. Your data will also be shared with contacts within our investor network to support companies seeking investment. You can view Innovate UK EDGE’s, St John's Innovation Centre's and Newable's privacy policies at the links below: Innovate UK EDGE Privacy Policy: https://www.innovateukedge.ukri.org/privacy-notice Newable Privacy Policy: https://newable.co.uk/privacy-and-cookies/ St John Innovation Centre Terms and Conditions: https://stjohns.co.uk/terms-conditions/ By submitting your application for Pitchfest, you consent to the use of your data as outlined in the above General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) statement.

Audio & Video Recording Statement

Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest virtual event platform allows video and audio during Training Day 1, Training Day 2 and the Investor Session to be recorded. Training Day 1 and Training Day 2 recordings will be shared with all participants, and the Investor Session recording will be shared solely with yourself. All recordings will be part of the Innovate UK EDGE, Newable and St John's Innovation Centre's virtual event archives and will remain available indefinitely. By submitting your application for Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest you agree to such recordings, as outlined above, being videoed and included in the recording that will be circulated to participants.