Travel Request Form

This form is for:

  • Requesting pre-trip travel authorization for out-of-state or international travel
  • Finalizing booking of airfare arranged through a partner travel agency
  • Requesting a travel advance

This form is NOT for:

  1. In-state travel reimbursement requests (see In-State Reimbursement Request Form)
  2. Non-travel related expenses (see Purchasing & Payments)

Requestor Details

Caret IconCaret symbol

Billing Details

Must be a 7-digit CSU Account Number


If you need to charge more than three accounts, please attach documentation detailing the allocation, write "see attached" in the account field above, and uncheck "I need to charge multiple accounts".

Must be a 7-digit CSU Account Number


Must be a 7-digit CSU Account Number


NOTE: If this trip is being charged to a sponsored project (account beginning in 53), please also include how it aligns with the objectives outlined in the project statement of work or budget justification.

Traveler Details

Is this request being made on behalf of someone else?*
Who should to the reimbursement request be sent to?*

Reimbursement requests are sent automatically via email upon trip end date until expenses are claimed or no costs are indicated.

Have you traveled on behalf of WSCOE before?*
Affiliation to CSU*

If both an employee and a student, select the option that corresponds to the reason for needing to travel.

Is this trip for a senior design project?*
Have they traveled on behalf of WSCOE before?*

For non-employees, the address on file is where your reimbursement will be sent.

For non-employees, reimbursements will be sent via check to the address provided.

Caret IconCaret symbol
Caret IconCaret symbol
United States Citizen?*
Are you a non-resident alien for tax purposes?*
Caret IconCaret symbol

First and Last Name


Destination Type*

Provide city and state. Include the country if international.

All international travel must be approved by CSU's Risk Management & Insurance prior to departure. Submission of this request will trigger the necessary processes.

The below details are required for international travel. Insufficient information will result in delays.

First Location

Caret IconCaret symbol

Second Location

Select or enter value
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Third Location

Select or enter value
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When trips include personal travel, only the business portion can be reimbursed.

If this trip requires airfare, then it must be arranged and purchased personally. The business portion will be reimbursed after the trip has concluded.

List the associated destination if it is not the same as your primary destination.

Accurate estimates for expenses support accuracy in financial reporting. We recommend using online travel sites to estimate costs, compare options, and select cost-effective options.


Upgraded airfare requires written approval from Mark Ritschard (WSCOE Business Officer). Premium economy airfare is allowable when in-air time exceeds five hours (CSU Financial Rule 5.15.2). Business class is allowable when in-air time exceeds fourteen hours (CSU Financial Rule 5.15.4).

Upgraded airfare accommodations for health reasons must be approved in advance by the Office of Equal Opportunity.

Will the airfare be booked by CSU?*
Select the travel agency used:*

Notify the agent that you are traveling on behalf of the Walter Scott Jr. College of Engineering and they will send your tentative itinerary to the Engineering Business Office at for final booking.

Airfare Booking Disclaimer

By choosing to book airfare personally rather than through a CSU partner travel agency, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

Comparison of Airfare:

  • Personally booked airfare will be compared against a reasonably similar fare quote from a CSU-approved travel agency.
  • You will be reimbursed at the lower of the two fares (either your personal booking or the agency’s quote).


  • You are responsible for ensuring that your personal booking complies with CSU policies and guidelines.
  • Any additional costs incurred due to non-compliance will not be reimbursed.


  • Keep all relevant documentation related to your personal booking (e.g., receipts, itineraries, fare breakdowns).
  • Failure to provide complete documentation may affect reimbursement eligibility.

For any questions or concerns related to airfare reimbursement, contact

Uniglobe's Deem booking tool is available only to CSU employees who have been granted access.

When booking airfare through Deem, you must provide an account number and a T-#. The T-# will be prepared and issued to you via email after your request has been reviewed by the Engineering Business Office. Once received, you may proceed with completing your airfare booking in Deem.

Important: Deem may not be used to book airfare that involves personal travel. Rental car and hotel reservations can be made through Deem but must be paid using a travel card or personal card.

To request access to Deem, please email

Automobile Rental/Fuel Expense

Vehicle rental must be booked through a State Approved Rental Agency

  • Provide the respective discount code when making your reservation to ensure adequate liability insurance coverage according to this matrix.
  • Off-road usage is NEVER covered by any insurance.
  • Turo and other car-sharing platforms are not reimbursable.


Per Diem

Per diem can only be claimed when the trip duration is greater than 1 day. It is intended to cover meal and incidental expenses. Rates are based on your destination and established by the state controller. The first and last day of travel are reimbursed at 75% of the established rate.

Please include the dates and details of these meals so we can accurately adjust your per diem calculations (e.g. Breakfast on 8/24).


Mileage reimbursement rates are intended to cover fuel, wear, and tear. CSU does not accept liability for personal vehicles and their occupants.

For mileage claims over 150, a mileage log or map (Google, MapQuest, Waze, etc.) showing the total number of miles driven will be required.

The 4WD mileage rate can only be claimed if 4WD is required due to weather or off road travel.





Is registration pre-paid with a PCard?*

Ground Transportation

Note: Ride-share (Uber/Lyft/etc.) to/from Denver International Airport cannot be reimbursed unless a Rideshare Consideration Form is provided.



Group Meals

Everyone who participates in a group meal must also be traveling on official CSU business.

Advances are provided within 10 days of your departure date, thus advances cannot be processed if this request is received within 14 days of your departure date.

Advances are limited to $1,500 per traveler per trip, but can be increased with proof of anticipated expenses. Please use the comments and file uploads field at the bottom of this form to provide justification, if necessary.

e.g. group leader, expenses incurred before trip, foreign travel per diem, etc.

IMPORTANT: Documentation is Required

Save receipts for every expense that will be claimed.

  • An itemized receipt must be provided for every expense that will be claimed (per diem excluded).
  • Only expenses directly paid for by the traveler can be claimed by the traveler.

Next steps:

  1. When your travel has concluded, you will receive an email from Smartsheet requesting your final expenses and receipts.
  2. When your expense and receipts have been received, your reimbursement will be queued for processing.
  3. Once processed, you will receive a confirmation email with further details.

Drag and drop files here or