IDHS Planning/Exercise/FIT Support Request

The IDHS Planning Section and IDHS Exercise Section accept requests for planning and exercise support from state, local, tribal and territorial jurisdictions. Request(s) will be vetted and reviewed for approval. Requestors will be notified about the status of the request within two weeks of submission. Upon approval, a program manager(s) will be assigned to the project.

Examples of support: serving on a planning team, reviewing a plan, providing planning guidance/advice, serving on an exercise planning team, being an exercise evaluator or controller.

In conjunction and coordination with IDHS Liaisons, the Indiana FEMA Integration Team (FIT) members can provide a wide variety of support and technical assistance, to include, but not limited to: providing support related to adapting and incorporating Community Lifelines in planning and response activities, questions related to incident Response and Recovery activities, inquiries related to Preparedness activities or the utilization of OneResponder or the Resource Inventory System (RIS), questions related to IPAWS and other FEMA tools and resources, and a wide variety of other topics. Additionally, the FITs are also able to attend public safety days within your community to share preparedness materials with the community upon your request.

Points of contact: for IDHS Planning, for IDHS Exercise, and for FIT.