Water Test Kit Request Form

Tacoma Water customers can request a free kit to test the water at their home or business for lead.

The kit includes instructions for collecting a water sample at a tap in your home or business and a sterile collection cup. After Tacoma Water receives your sample, it is sent to an independent, state-certified lab for analysis. The results of the analysis will be public information, but the home or business address you provide will be removed.

You will receive the test results by mail within eight weeks.

If you have not received your results in that time, call 253-502-8665.

I would like to request a kit to have my water tested for lead.

By requesting a kit, I am agreeing to collect a water sample from a tap inside my home or business. I will give the water sample to Tacoma Water for analysis. I understand that the results of the test are public information, but the address I provide will not be disclosed.

Section I: Applicant Information

This number can be found on your TPU bill or online via TPU's MyAccount website.


Part II: Service Address

Please enter the address of the service you want to test.

Part III: Mailing Address

If your mailing address is different from the service address, please provide below. Otherwise, please leave this section blank.

Is your mailing address the same as your service address?*