Afloat: Utility Debt Relief application

The City of Portland has funding from a federal grant to help customers get payments back on track. If you have overdue payments and meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply now for a credit on your bill. We won’t be able to eliminate all debt, but we aim to reduce debt enough to make a difference.

You can apply if…

  • You pay your sewer/stormwater/water bill to the City of Portland;
  • You have overdue charges on your household water bill;
  • You have been affected financially by the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • You meet the income guidelines.

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Apply for a credit on your bill

Applications are due April 11, 2022.

I will answer the questions on this form completely and truthfully.*

You are not eligible for this credit, but you may be eligible for other financial help with your sewer/stormwater/water bill. Contact our customer service team at 503-823-7770 or email

Are you eligible to apply?

1. When you pay your sewer/stormwater/water bill, do you pay the City of Portland?*
2. Are you applying for this credit for water used at your home?*
3. Have you been affected financially by the COVID-19 pandemic?*
4. To be eligible for this program, your total household income must fit into the chart below. Based on this chart, are you eligible?*

This should be the combined income of everyone in your house. Add up what you would receive from all income before taxes are taken out. To be eligible, your income must be below 80 percent of median household income. This chart shows 80 percent of median household income.

People in your house | Household income

_______________......1...| Less than $54,150

_______________......2...| Less than $61,900

_______________......3...| Less than $69,650

_______________......4...| Less than $77,350

_______________......5...| Less than $83,550

_______________......6...| Less than $89,750

_______________......7...| Less than $95,950...

_______________......8...| Less than $102,150

About you

Please fill this out based on the person whose name is on the bill.

Please make sure you enter your account number correctly. If you do not enter the correct information, we may not be able to process your application. If you do not know your account number, check our FAQs to learn how to find it.


This should be everyone who lives with you, regardless of their age or if they’re related to you.

9. What’s your annual household income?*

This should be the combined income of everyone in your house. Add up what you would receive from all forms of income before taxes are taken out.

Demographic questions

Please fill this out based on the person whose name is on the bill.

11. What year were you born?*

How do you describe your racial or ethnic identity?

13. How do you identify your gender? Please choose one answer.*
14. Do you identify as having a disability?*