L.W. Oney House Moving, Inc.

Thank you for contacting Oney House Moving and Leveling. To help us better understand your specific project, whether it a structural move, house leveling, house lift, or other, please complete the requested information then submit for our review. All items with a red asterisk are required fields. If you have questions, please call 903-935-8090 or email us at oneyhousemoving@gmail.com for assistance.

**L.W. Oney House Moving, Inc. is an insured mover. We carry Cargo Insurance, General Liability, as well as Workers Compensation Insurances. Each insurance is designed to protect the customers we serve.

All jobs will be contracted detailing the work to be completed. For additional information on our company visit our website at www.oneyhousemoving.com

Thank you for contacting L.W. Oney House Moving, Inc. for your structural moving, lifting, and foundation repair needs!

Have a great day,

The Oney House Moving & Leveling Team

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Select today's date

Pictures of all sides of the structure **When taking pictures, photos from a distance that show the entirety of each side are helpful**

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Please select your work request below.

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If the house is currently occupied by anyone other than you, please notify the occupant that someone from our company may be by to inspect.

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Address where the structure is currently located. Please list the FULL STREET ADDRESS including the CITY and STATE. Missing or incomplete information may delay or prevent an estimate.

Address where the structure will be moved to. Please list the FULL STREET ADDRESS including the CITY and STATE. If address is unknown, please list the closest cross street along with the city and state. If the structure will remain on property, type SAME. Missing or incomplete information may delay or prevent an estimate.

If yes, list the total number. If yes, do they go all the way to the ground?

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List the estimated length, width, and height. On pier and beam homes the height is measured from the peak to the bottom of the sill. Example: 24 wide by 64 long by 14 tall (If unsure it is okay to list UNKNOWN) If this is a leveling request and not a move request, it is okay to list UNKNOWN in this field.

If moving inside the city limits, you will need to contact the permit office to inquire 1.) if they will allow the structure moved into the city 2.) if they have minimum foundation requirements? If in a flood zone, a Base Flood Elevation certificate will need to be obtained. Please initial below if Texas is your final destination.

If final destination is Louisiana, you will need to contact the Parish Police Jury or if inside the city limits the city permit office to inquire about foundation requirements for this structure. Many cities and parishes follow the State minimum requirements, but some have additional requirements in place. If in a flood zone, a Base Flood Elevation certificate will need to be obtained. Please initial below if Louisiana is your final destination.

If final destination is Arkansas, you will need to contact the local permit office to inquire on foundation requirements for this structure. If in a flood zone, a Base Flood Elevation certificate will need to be obtained. Please initial below if Arkansas is your final destination.

Any additional information that may be helpful can be entered below