iRAP Training Registration form

Thanks for applying for iRAP training. Please complete the following form to register for the course. After submitting your registration form, you will be contacted in a couple of workdays. You shall contact, if you have any questions. Thanks! iRAP Training and Accreditation

First and last name, please.

Please include street number, street name, and city/town.

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ABN number, if Australia VAT, if Europe or UK

(multi-select field)

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Please pick the payment method you prefer and we will send you the instructions.

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List the names and emails of the course participants below.

The participants will individually receive an email with the information on how to access the course once the payment is confirmed. Please make sure the name listed is correct. The name used in this form will be used to issue an automatic certificate.

First and last name, please.

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First and last name, please.

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First and last name, please.

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First and last name, please.

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In order to proceed, you must have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of this application and declaration. See the full content here By checking the box below, you declare that you have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of this application and declaration, including the exclusion of implied terms, warning, assumption of risk, release and indemnity. By checking the box below, you agree that if your application for the iRAP webinar series is accepted, you will be bound by these terms and conditions and will have a limited time to complete the course between 30 and 90 days depending on the course.