South Carolina

Department of Education

Education Scholarship Trust Fund

Service Provider Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a provider for South Carolina's Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program (ESTF). The South Carolina Department of Education administers the ESTF and has contracted with ClassWallet for programmatic support and to manage the distribution of scholarship funds to participating families.

Participating families will make payments and purchases to education service providers through the ClassWallet platform. All providers must be approved to participate by the South Carolina Department of Education.

Am I eligible to be a provider? Learn more about the program and provider requirements here.

U.S. tax regulations and banking institution restrictions require that all vendors operating within the United States provide a W-9 form, which includes a U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Completion of this form without an associated TIN will prevent approval of your application. International vendors who do not include or are unable to provide a valid U.S. TIN will not be approved.

Update: On September 11, 2024, the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that sections of South Carolina’s Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF) program are unconstitutional.

Pursuant to this ruling, and as of September 11, 2024, ESTF funds may no longer be used for tuition or fee payments to nonpublic schools.

Ready to apply?

  1. Please complete the form below, including uploading any required documents.
  2. Your application will be reviewed by program administration and a decision will be sent by email.
  3. If your application is found to be incomplete or is rejected, you will receive information on what is needed to complete your application or why the application was rejected.
  4. If approved, you will receive an email notification from ClassWallet with details on completing the registration process.

IMPORTANT: You must complete the registration process through ClassWallet to be able to accept funds from ESTF participants.

Get Support!

If you have questions about the provider application process, contact or 877-313-1299. We are happy to help!

To begin the registration, select the service you provide:

  • Textbooks, Curriculum or Educational Items (vendors who sell only these items)
  • Tutoring (in-person or online, Bachelor's Degree required)
  • Computer Hardware or Technological Devices (vendors who sell only these items. If you provide these items as part of a private school OR tutoring service do not select this category.)
  • Online Education Classes / Courses (vendors who provide individual classes)
  • Student Exams, Certifications or Assessments (vendors who provide these examinations)
  • Educational Therapies or Services for Students with Disabilities (vendors who provide Speech, Physical, Occupational Therapies, Vision Therapy and ABA Therapy. No other therapies are approved at this time. Valid license required.)
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Complete the required information:

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Select the grade level(s) that your tutoring service serves.

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Is your tutoring service invoiced based on hourly rates or subscription based?

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Enter the hourly rates for your tutoring service. If rates vary, please enter a range (i.e $25 - $50). These rates will be made publicly available.

Enter the approximate monthly subscription rate. If rates vary, please enter a range (i.e $100-$200). These rates will be made publicly available.

If you don't have a website, please put "Do Not Have A Website"

Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program guidelines require that all vendors provide a valid website. If you do not have one please check this box.

Select or enter value
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Important Note: Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program guidelines require that all tutors providing services to ESTF participants have at least a Bachelor’s Degree. If you applied on behalf of a tutoring facility, it is your responsibility to ensure that all ESTF tutors within your facility adhere to this program requirement. If you have questions, please contact

All service providers must agree to follow program guidelines as noted on the attestation found here. Please clicking this checkbox, you are agreeing to adhere to the guidelines in the ESTF Education Service Provider attestation.

NOTE: The South Carolina Department of Education will conduct audits to ensure compliance with background check requirements. Failure to comply may result in removal from the program. All individuals (those providers not affiliated with an approved ESP business or facility) will complete a background check through the state. Instructions are available here.

Please upload the appropriate credential below:

  1. If you are a Tutor, please upload your Bachelor's Degree.
  2. If you are a Therapist, please upload your valid license (must be for the service you provide).
  3. If you are applying for a facility with multiple providers, please upload documentation (either degree or license) for the primary provider.
Drag and drop files here or