Programs Interest Form

These initial questions will help determine if you may be eligible for any of the home repair programs administered by the Portland Housing Bureau and local Portland agencies.

💡 Helpful links before starting the form:

  • Is the house address in the city of Portland? Search on Portland Maps
  • Year built (also on Portland Maps)
  • Find your household AMI with the AMI calculator. Include all working adults, age 18 and older. Area Median Income Calculator

City of Portland programs and partner agencies:

Home Repair and Home Ownership Retention Services

For homes in Multnomah County:

Home Repair Programs for Multnomah County

Submit an Interest Form

Need help with this form? See links to Portland Maps and the Area Median Income (AMI) Calculator in the description. For questions or further assistance, please contact us at PHB at 503-823-2375.

Was your house built before 1978?*
Are you the homeowner or renter?*

Note: Property owner information will be required in the application

If you are a renter, please be aware that the property owner's information and contact info will be required as part of the application.

Lead Grant Program question for homeowners: Children in the home

The following question is to determine if any children (5 years and under) live or frequently visit the home. Anytime a young child or a pregnant person is in the house counts towards the 60-hour requirement for certain lead programs. Family relation is not required.

Here are just a few examples, but many more scenarios are possible.

  • A young child visits your home for a full weekend, twice a year.
  • A grandchild or children visit every week for one hour.
  • Young children spend 5 hours a day, 4 days a week for regular childcare.

Is there a child (5 years old or under) who lives or frequently visits the home?

Is your total household income below 80% AMI?*

Contact Information

If eligible, we will contact you about next steps in the application process.


By submitting this form, you consent to PHB recording your eligibility responses and using the provided contact for any follow-up communication.