Registration Variation Form
SIBT Policies can be found
1. Student Details
Student ID
Daytime Contact Number
Full Name
2. Registration Details
Current SIBT Program
Diploma of Arts
Diploma of Business Administration
Diploma of Engineering
Diploma of Information Technology
Diploma of Media and Communication
SIBT Foundation Program - Standard
SIBT Foundation Program - Extended
Curent Visa Status
Domestic Student / Permanent Resident
Student Visa
Other Visa status, please specify:
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT - please note that there are visa requirements for you to maintain a full-time study load. This means you must be enrolled in at least 3 units (support units do not count). If you wish to enrol in less than 3 units, and you have 3 or more units left to complete, you will need to meet with a Student Learning Advisor to get approval for a Reduced Study Load.
DOMESTIC STUDENT - Please note that enrolling into 1 or 2 units only will affect your Opal Concession card. Enrolling into 1 or 2 units only is considered a part-time study load, which can also impact any Centrelink benefits you receive (if any).
Unit 1
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Caret symbol
What do you want to do with Unit 1?
Add 2nd Unit detail?
Unit 2
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What do you want to do with Unit 2?
Add 3rd Unit detail?
Unit 3
Caret Icon
Caret symbol
What do you want to do with Unit 3?
Add 4th Unit detail?
Unit 4
Caret Icon
Caret symbol
What do you want to do with Unit 4?
Attach supporting documents (if applicable)
Drag and drop files here or
browse files
3. Student Declaration
I understand it is my responsibility to ensure that my registration is correct.
I understand that classes are not guaranteed and subject to class capacity restrictions.
I agree to be bound by the Statutes, Rules and Policies of SIBT arising from my registration variation, and agree to pay all fees and charges directly arising from my registration.
I consent to receiving information electronically from SIBT.
I agree to access my @learning e-mail account to receive communication from SIBT.
If you are an International Student Studying in Australia on a student visa, you must be registered in a full-time load at all times to comply with the condition of your visa. If you have extenuating circumstances and want to reduce your load you must seek approval by making an appointment with Student Learning Advisor.
While I am registered at SIBT, I undertake to observe all its statutes, by-laws and rules and accept responsibility to ensure that my registration is correct and to abide by the declaration on this form.
Please enter your full name to sign the form
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