❗⚠ Incomplete information will result in a delay of your submission, which could mean the difference between getting a promo slot or not. Promo slots are booked way in advance on a first come, first served basis.

Please email me once you've filled out the form.

Best email adress for contacting you regarding scheduling, etc.

These are the most popular options. If you want something that's not on the list, shoot me an email.

* Please fill out the form for only one promo at a time.

* If you're doing a featured title promo, you MUST select a theme week. Here's a link to the calendar of theme weeks.

** Rates are for 2024.

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Please specify which newsletter you'd like if signing up for the Newsletter Bonus Section or which theme week you want if you're signing up for a Featured Title placement. You can find a list of what's available in the media kit, which was included in your Welcome Pack.

OTHER: If you'd like a promo that wasn't listed in the previous question, please provide details here.

This should be the same ISBN as the one you used / plan to use for your NG listing. No hyphens please.

Promos are Monday start. Please select a MONDAY start.

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::: Below This Line for Category & Dashboard Spotlights :::

You don't need to fill this out for Featured Titles.

Please only select ONE category unless you actually want me to submit for two categories. If you have a fallback category in case your preferred category is unavailable, you can put that in the Notes section.

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  • Request: Title active on NG, availability is Requests Allowed
  • Read Now: Title active on NG, availability is Read Now
  • Preorder: Title available for preorder. Not required to be active on NG, but you must provide link to a preorder page.
  • On Sale Now: Title available at discounted price. Not required to be active on NG, but you must provide link to sales page.
  • Buy Now: Title available at full price. Not required to be active on NG, but you must provide a link to sales page.

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Provide your preferred headline, such as the hook/sales handle. This will be the largest text that readers will see.

Headline text can be up to 60 characters max. including spaces. I recommend using this character count website (use the Ctrl / Command key when clicking on link to open in new browser tab): Please double-check your character count. If your headline is too long, you'll have to edit it down, which could delay your request for several days. Those days could be the difference between getting your promo slot or not.

Include short pitch / description of the book. This text should be as you would like it to appear to readers.

Description should be a short paragraph (approx. 300-400 characters, including spaces). I recommend using this character count website (use the Ctrl / Command key when clicking on link to open in new browser tab): Please double-check your character count. If your description is too long, you'll have to edit it down, which could delay your request for several days. Those days could be the difference between getting your promo slot or not. See examples here.

I suggest checking off that you'd like a copy of your responses sent to you. This will let you know if the form went through and give you the option to double-check all your information.

Please email me and let you know once you've filled out the form.