DoIT Institutional Project Proposal Form

Projects submitted via this form should follow the Institutional Project Initiation Process here.

This project proposal will be reviewed by the DoIT PMO and the DoIT Leadership team for approval. Please include all relevant information.

Project Information

What is a DoIT Institutional Project?

  • Unique, one-time endeavor
  • Work consists of more than one activity (in contrast to an RT ticket)
  • Defined timeframes & deliverables - can be iterative
  • Project is sponsored by a campus division other than DoIT with significant DoIT involvement
  • Approval from sponsoring division leadership and DoIT leadership required to commit employee time, resources, and institutional funds
  • Must be tracked through DoIT PMO processes with regular updates to sponsoring division, DoIT leadership, and appropriate campus committees

Choose a name that reflects the entirety of the project - what will the campus refer to this effort as?

The sponsor should be at the Director level or above who is authorizing funding and resources to complete this effort.

Project Sponsor's email address.

Please indicate the division sponsoring this project.

Project Details

What is the problem or opportunity this project is addressing?

What value is this bringing to the institution?

If there are mandates associated with the request (federal/state, audit compliance, vendor compliance, etc.) please include them here.

Who will be impacted by this project? Departments, divisions, campus community (faculty, students, staff, alumni), individuals? Include any stakeholders who should be involved.

Do you believe this project should be brought to any of the following committees? If you do not know, please leave this blank.

What resources, including staff, are necessary for this project from DoIT and other divisions? If you do not know, please describe the implementation process to the best of your ability and the DoIT PMO will assist in project discovery.

Please indicate what team(s) will be supporting and maintaining post-implementation.

Please identify the total cost, including implementation cost, annual cost(s), and any staffing needs post-implementation. Does this project need funding, or is it already secured?

Please note that timeframe will be dependent upon staffing, resources, and project prioritization. Completing the Procurement Cloud Review process or this form does not necessarily indicate project approval for the preferred timeframe.

The target start and end dates are vetted during the project planning and approval based on staffing and project prioritization.

Is the End Date Fixed or Flexible?*

Is it required that this project be completed by a specific date per a federal, state, or USM mandate?

What are the key risks to the processes, services, or infrastructure affected by this request? Include any risks involving PCI, HIPAA, or FERPA compliance.

Include any discovery that has been done or evaluated products. If you have details on implementation timeline from a vendor, please provide those here as a link or a file upload.

If you have documentation regarding this project, please upload it here or provide links to google docs above.

Drag and drop files here or

Submission Information

Submitter's email address.

If anyone else should receive a copy of this project proposal please enter their email addresses below. Any DoIT members who have been associated with discovery should be included.

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