CDE Event/Room Reservation Request Form
Reservation Information: The CDE and Conference Room are open for events/meetings from Monday through Friday 6:30PM - 10 PM with set up as early as 6:15PM, and all weekend hours (Saturday 12 PM - 5 PM & Sunday 12 PM - 10 PM). Events that are earlier or later than the open reservation time will need to be cleared by professional staff. CDE interns may be available to help set up/break down until 10 PM on Weekday; front desk staff are available for limited hours for weekly events, so please plan accordingly. Please do not move or remove any furniture unless cleared with CDE staff upon confirmation.
Availability: Please allow more than 5 business days lead time for requesting an event. You will receive a confirmation from Smartsheet once your request has been approved. Your reservation is not confirmed until you receive an email approval from CDE staff. For any emergency last minute requests, e-mail (cc’ing Amanda Fortune, Operations Manager | or visit the CDE. There is no guarantee we will get to your request in a timely manner.
Multiple events can happen in the space over one night given that the start and end times don’t overlap.
Eligibility: CIOs, Special Status Agencies, and other student groups have priority for center reservations. Offices and departments can also use the space if a student group has not yet requested it. All groups must be in good standing and must follow all rules for use of the space; those in violation of reservation guidelines will be notified and may have restricted reservation capability. Organizations are limited to 1 closed event per month (closed events mean only those affiliated with the event/organization will be in the center for the duration of the event). POST-EVENT CLEANING CHECKLIST
In order to uphold the mission of unit and the intent of this center, priority will be given to those groups and events which affirm the purpose of the Center for Diversity in Engineering & Office of Diversity, Equity and Engagement:*
- A sense of place and comfort designed for the academic success, social success, retention, and celebration of underrepresented students at the University of Virginia.
- Opportunities for scholarship, research, and faculty enrichment in the areas of race, culture, ethnicity, and other social identities across all disciplines.
- Improve University relations by generating a wealth of lectures, dialogues, and exhibits that are useful in educating the campus community.
- Events must be inclusive, meaning: engaging and supportive of those communities the center was designed to serve.
*adapted from Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Technological Needs: TVs are available for events happening in the CDE Conference Room (RM109) & CDE D111 lounge space. Additional audio and visual equipment will not be provided but can be rented via Student Engagement for the D112 lounge area for larger events held in the space. All TVs are configured through HDMI & wifi connection (please ensure HDMI cords are not removed from the space). Please connect with a CDE intern at the front desk if you have any questions about using the technology during regular business hours.
Layout: Furniture may not be moved/removed from the space unless confirmed with CDE Professional Staff. If moving furniture, please place furniture back in their original layout.
Cancellations: To cancel a reservation, send an email notifying the CDE at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to comply will result in restrictions of submitting reservations for the following 2 weeks. If you have any questions, contact
Food: If using an official caterer, you may require more time than the allotted 30 minutes before and after the event. UVA Catering starts setting up as early as 2 hours prior to the event. Please confirm with the caterer about the approximate set up time. Please clean up after yourselves fully. Any leftover food and materials must be disposed of. Failure to properly clean up after an event may also result in restricted reservation capability.
(For large events please coordinate with housekeeping ahead of time regarding your event to ensure there are ample trash receptacles and can anticipate larger than usual amounts of trash the next business day. Wanda Snead is the building supervisor for this zone, please connect with her via
Marketing: Having an event in the CDE does not mean that you are co-sponsoring or collaborating with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Engagement or the Center for Diversity in Engineering. All potential co-sponsorships must go through professional staff. Although you may list the CDE as a location for your event, please make it clear that we are not hosts. Please follow all rules and regulations regarding posting signs, posters, and flyers on university property.
Failure to comply to any of the above rules will be assessed by interns and professional staff. We operate on a three- strike policy: 1) First offense will include a warning e-mail; 2) Second offense will limit your event requests to once every two weeks. And, 3) Third offense will prevent you from using the space for 6 months.